Ethics in the Maritime Industry

What’s the difference between ethics and morals?

Code of Ethics for IMO Personnel : The present Code of Ethics sets out the values and principles to guide the conduct and behaviour of International Maritime Organization personnel.

U.S. Naval Academy : Ethical Leadership for the Junior Officer – 2009 : About This E-Book : This annual publication of leadership and ethics case studies is culled from experiences of men and women in the Navy and Marine Corps. This incarnation is the latest iteration of an idea originated by the USNA class of 1964 and Professor Karel Montor. The book presents case studies that highlight ethical and leadership challenges typically encountered in the service, to better prepare USNA graduates. The present edition integrates that original inspiration into the information age and the greater fleet.

Ethics and the Maritime Profession : An Argument for the Teaching In Maritime Training and Startegies For Making Ethical Decisions – IAMU – T.R. Moore, Maine Maritime Academy