
ECSA – Enhanced participation of women in European shipping The opportunity to increase gender balance in the EU maritime sector

Marine Policy – Key factors impacting women seafarers participation in the evolving workplace (2023)

Scientific Research Journal – Addressing the Voice of Women in Marine and Maritime Industry (2020)

Human Rights at Sea (HRAS) – Gender Briefing Note : Gender and its application in the Maritime Environment

Human Rights at Sea (HRAS) – What is Gender?

Women OffshoreWomen Offshore, LLC is an online resource center supporting a diverse workforce on the water.  Their mission is to shine a light on women in operations, provide resources to foster long-term careers, and report the latest news on gender diversity and and inclusion in the offshore and maritime industries.

HeForShe : HeForShe wants every voice to be heard in classrooms and corner offices around the world. Everyone has a say. Everyone has a role. Every unique contribution is essential to achieving gender equality.